Zapmap at Fully Charged LIVE North

First ever Fully Charged LIVE North shines bright and shouts loud

Olly Goodall

We’re back from the first ever Fully Charged LIVE North! Taking place in leafy Harrogate from 19-21st May, this latest iteration of the Fully Charged Live events lost none of its buzz and brought the UK’s leading electric vehicle (EV) and home energy show to the good people of North Yorkshire and beyond.

A blistering May sun illuminated all sorts of weird and wonderful electric vehicles, EV charging solutions, and clean energy technology. Of course, it also shone above tens of thousands of visitors, exhibitors and staff - even onto the solar panels of an ingenious, air-conditioned sombrero. Hats off to Greg from Take it EV!

However, the glorious weather wasn’t the only treat in store for visitors to the first ever Fully Charged LIVE North. All three days saw a whole host of live talks from industry experts and the cast of Fully Charged LIVE, including figurehead Robert Llewellyn - not to mention all sorts of interactions with the exhibits, test drives and a brilliant brass band.

With a positive, purposeful atmosphere pervading proceedings, demonstrations of the latest products and services for electric vehicles and home energy technology were available across the weekend. 

Indeed, the occasional queue formed at the popular Zapmap-sponsored test drive area, with many at the event interested in making the switch to electric and keen to get behind the wheel of the latest electric cars.


Fully Charged LIVE north


Greg from Take it EV podcast looking cool in his air-conditioned hat at the test drive arena


From those completely new to electric through to seasoned Zapmappers, we had a fantastic time speaking to all of you. It was great to hear what’s working well for you, as well as what you’d like to see from the EV charging world as we move forward.

Meanwhile, Zapmap Co-founder & COO Melanie Sufflebotham was up on stage once more - on Saturday and Sunday. She appeared on two expert guest panels, debating whether we have an obsession with large cars such as SUVs, and speaking about the best way to charge your car if you don’t have a driveway.


First ever Fully Charged LIVE North


Zapmap Co-founder Melanie Shufflebotham talks SUVs with an expert panel


If for whatever reason you missed us at the show, we were displaying the app on a giant iTab and showing visitors the best way to search, plan and pay for EV charging - all in one simple-to-use app.

And if you weren’t able to attend this year, we strongly recommend going to the next Fully Charged LIVE North - it was a fascinating show, full of positive energy and innovative solutions.

We’ll certainly be there in force, ready to share the best way to make your electric journeys as simple as possible, wherever you go!