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  2. Products

Media & tools

Our engaged audience of EV buyers and drivers plus our customisable EV charging tools can help you electrify your offer.


Looking to reach electric car drivers?

Considering  EV content for your website?

Put your brand front and centre of our audience of EV buyers and drivers with our advertising options.
We can also provide data-driven calculators and tools, including the charge point map, which can be easily embedded via an iFrame.

Maine coon Targeted advertising Get in front of EV drivers
British Shorthair Data driven EV Calculators
Sphynx Easily embedded Into your website

Advertise on the Zapmap app or website

With a highly targeted audience of over 300,000 unique visitors to the website and the app each month, the Zapmap website, app and tools are ideal platforms for anyone looking to reach current or prospective electric car drivers.

Sponsor our newsletter

With a highly engaged newsletter readership that’s growing all the time, we can provide sponsored newsletter campaigns to help your message cut through to the right audience.

Charge point map

Integrate a fully customisable version of our charge point map into your site, so that potential EV drivers can quickly see the extent of charging infrastructure in their area and across the UK.

Calculators & tools

Leverage our data-driven tools and charging calculators to provide your customers with the best information possible when they’re making the switch to electric vehicles.

Our partnership with Zapmap offers great benefits to our drivers, as Zapmap’s advanced charger mapping removes yet another worry for those new to electric vehicles.

Paul Gilshan, Tusker


Find out how Tusker and Zapmap partnered to support electric car salary sacrifice customers.


Osprey Charging

Find out how Osprey uses Zapmap’s in-app advertising to increase awareness of its network.
